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Summer brings a different meaning for UK kayakers, from the winter of praying for rain to fill the rivers with water to the summer of planning that big trip abroad to find snow and glacial melt-filled rivers in the European Alps. Here are a few tips to help you have the best time out on the water this summer.

1: Get the duo out 

Twice the people is twice the fun, period, so take a newbie out or get in with another ripper and have the best time out there. 

CIWW Duo kayaking fun

2: Look after your friends 

White water kayaking is all about teamwork, make sure you all get down the river together safely and have the most fun possible. There's a whole heap of things that can lead to a good day out on the river but river/ section choice is the perfect starting point for joy kayaking. 

 Swimming is fun out of your kayak

3: Don’t forget to smile

Life’s too short and kayaking too fun, smiling comes too easy for us all.

Smile like you mean it whilst you're kayaking

4: Always know where the camera is

Well this one is self-explanatory, but these are the photos you want to send to the parents of your trips away so get practising. 

Know where the camera is and smile!

5: You don’t have to catch every Eddy, 

Remember all the times you’ve flipped on eddy lines and swam? Practice running the rapids as a whole, stay in the flow and feel groovy. CIWW is a great length of rapid you’d find in the Alps, can you do it without an eddy or swim?

Mega trains are fun too!

6: But you have to surf every wave  

Eddies are optional but waves are compulsory, brush up on those skills before you get out on the river for added joy! 

No paddles surfing

7: There’s no river too easy

Contrary to some egos, there’s no river too simple or boring for anyone. Especially in the Alps with clean water and the mountains all around you! 

Kayaking is fun, don't be a fun sponge

8: Apre kayaking means apre kayaking

Kayaking is the excuse for a great holiday, never forget to kick back, relax and enjoy some culture.

Kayaking is life but sometime food is important too

Tips are provided by ‘Chips’ one of our leading white water kayak coaches and seasoned Alpine paddlers. Happy paddling!

Kettlechips one of the CIWW coaches

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